Wisconsin’s Corporate Team Building & Leadership Experts Door County Adventure Center’s leadership development and team building programs are offered around the country, all year round. Our professional facilitation team will assist you in developing a...
Build Your Own Retreat We outfit and guide trips for youth and adult groups in and outside of Door County. Pick and choose what your overnight trip looks like by using our menu below. Outfit My Trip! We can provide tents and all of the cooking supplies, including...
Breakthrough Breakthrough at the Team Leadership Center Leadership Breakthrough This one-day program focuses on personal growth and development. Participants will learn to be effective verbal leaders, inventory resources, and move beyond personal leadership blocks...
Board Development Board of Directors Development Training This program encompasses a needs assessment followed by three stages of board development. Stage 1 – Board Formation This stage of board development focuses on connections, unification, and each individuals’...
Keynote Speaking At the Team Leadership Center Timothy L. Pflieger Founder and President Since 1990, I have been speaking throughout the Midwest and Canada. In 1995 I founded the Team Leadership Center (TLC) in a turn-of-the-century dairy barn. As the business...
Workshops on Leadership Development Civility in the Workplace This workplace workshop focuses on the etiquette and respect shared in person-to-person relationships. Participants will set ground rules within the group and gain skills to treat co-workers/customers...
Join us on our 8-SPAN ZIP LINE!!! Our Canopy Zip Line Tour will have you reaching new heights and zoomin’ on lines double the length. More thrill, more fun, and more time in the air! See Lake Michigan while you’re sky high! No weight restrictions.
Sunset Kayak Tours at the Egg Harbor Village Beach offer the BEST seats in the house for Door County’s unforgettable sunsets! Tours launch nightly, by reservation, two hours before sunset.
On July 3, Egg Harbor hosts the best fireworks show in Door County! You won’t want to miss out on the best view in the house from the seat of your kayak! Enjoy the fireworks from the water, music from the shore, and family fun all around!